Fishes of the World

[ WORLDWIDE ] [ African Freshwater ] (Mediterranean Fishes ) [ Antarctic ] [ Arabia ] [ Asian Fishes ] [ China and Asia ] [ Eastern Pacific Fishes ] [ Pan Arctic Fishes ] [ New Zealand Fishes ] [ New Guinea Fishes ] [ Western Pacific Phillipines ] [ Central North Atlantic ] [ Australian Freshwater Fishes ] [ Central Pacific Hawaii ] [ British Sea Fishes ] [ British Freshwater Fishes ] [ Asian Freshwater ] [ Atlantic Fish ] [ Europe-Fresh ] [  European Sea ] [ North America ] [Central Pacific Marine ] [ N. Pacific / Arctic ] [ South America ] [ Caribbean ] [ Indian Ocean ] [ Southern Africa ] [ Australasian ]

For reef fish identification and seawater fishes see many other area pages

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A classic guide to fish classification and identification,  Covers 445 families in which over 21,600 species of living fishes are recognized. Adopts a great approach to classification and presents groups in evolutionary order. This edition updates all families to reflect recent progress and changes in the field. 

Fishes of the World. by Joseph S. Nelson.


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All Ages

Fishes of the World. by Joseph S. Nelson.Hardcover: 624 pages (1994)

John Wiley and Sons  3rd Edition

One copy only available. Good for personal reference or own library. Ex Libris with slight cover and minimal spine damage but very good price.

Our price for this normally very expensive title is £29.99 plus £5.00 part Recorded UK postage

The  World Encyclopaedia of Fishes WheelerEncyclop






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***** The  World Encyclopaedia of Fishes  

by Alwyne Wheeler.

SUPERB, Very rare publication by the world's foremost expert on fishes.

Our Price £24 plus £ 4.90 UK postage


The fish is the most successful vertebrate in the world. Fishes outnumber all other species of backboned animals by twenty to one, and only their adaptability has enabled them to achieve their dominant position in the animal world and to be capable of colonising almost every stretch of water on the face of the earth.









by Joy O. I. Spoczynska
Illustrated by
Melchior Spoczynski

Description: Size: ( 17.5 cm by 23.5 cm approx.)
Number of pages: 152
Published: David & Charles
Edition : 1976 1st Ed.
Format: Green Hardback with gold titles
Book condition: Good: Some light foxing, otherwise very good. Dust jacket condition: Very Good in a plastic cover.

£9.50 plus £3.00 Recorded UK Postage

Considered a classic guide to fish classification and identification, it is the only book which uses recent findings in arranging all major fish groups worldwide. Covers 445 families in which over 21,700 species of living fishes are recognized. Adopts a synthetic approach to classification and presents groups in evolutionary order. This edition updates all families to reflect progress and changes in the field. 

Fishes of the World. by Joseph S. Nelson.


 Price Group:

Reading Category:

All Ages

Fishes of the World. by Joseph S. Nelson.Hardcover: 624 pages (1994)

John Wiley and Sons  3rd Edition

One copy only available. Good for personal reference or own library. Ex Libris with slight cover damage but very good price.

Our price for this normally very expensive title is £29.99 plus £5.00 part Recorded UK postage









Published by George Routledge in 1935, this is a nice first edition of Prof. Roule's scholarly and fascinating study of marine life, translated from the French by Conrad Elphinstone.

£17.50 plus £3.50 UK Postage

Seahorses, Seadragons and Pipefishes of the Family Syngnathidae.  HORSE 1



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Seahorses, Seadragons and Pipefishes of the Family Syngnathidae. 

A Bibliography  Authors: Jim Forshey and Bruce Watts . California October 2005

pp variable c.90 Price (UK) £10

Published in the US by The Aquatic Bookshop and supplied in the UK by Calypso Publications



encyclopaedia of  fishes  by Paxton and Eschmeyer Ency9


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encyclopaedia of  fishes  by Paxton and Eschmeyer (second edition) includes (introducing fishes) (classifying fishes)( fishes through the ages ) habitats and adaptations / fish behavior / endangered species to list a few this book is a great read with over 239 pages of colour photos

240 HUGE pages beautifully illustrated

Our Price£10.90 plus £4.20 UK postage

A Dictionary of the Fishes of the World by Alwyne Wheeler ALWYNE2


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A Dictionary of the Fishes of the World by Alwyne Wheeler of the BMNH One of the best books from a foremost authority on fishes. A STAR BUY. HB  Huge and comprehensive.

Very hard to obtain book. Our price £24.00 plus postage £5.80



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***** OCEANLIFE. By Sally Morgan and Pauline Lalor.
Oceanlife is a journey into the seas, beautifully illustrated with a wealth of superb colour photography 
from around the world. Starting from the shore, where the oceans meet the land, and diving ever further down to the depths where darkness and enormous water pressure makes exploration almost impossible, it considers the very different life-forms that are found in the various habitats. With a number of special feature sections that look at subjects such as dolphins, hammerheads, coral photography and camouflage in detail, it includes chapters on Coral Reefs, The open Ocean and The Sea Beds.

This lavishly illustrated Hardback book in colour, with Dust cover. 512 pages is in mint condition 
with only very light wear to the dust cover

RRP £29.95. Our Price £15 plus £7 postage
Code: Oceans5
Tropical Coral Reef Fishes. TROPCOR


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Handy Pocket Guide to Tropical Coral Reef Fishes. A periplus nature guide. Text by Gerald R. Allen. Superbly illustrated little guide. Great for Reef Fish Identification

Our Price £5.99 post paid

Fishes of Lakes, Rivers and Streams TIMELIFE


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Fishes of Lakes, Rivers and Streams in the Time-Life Wild World Series. Beautifully illustrated large page hardback book. pp130. Time Life Television


Our Price £7.85 plus £3.00 postage

Fishes of the World HASS


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Fishes of the World by Hans Hass

HB. Methuen. 1965.Superb text and illustrations though the dust cover has seen better days.Translation by Dr. Gwynne Vevers of the Zoological Society of London

Our Price £9.50 plus £3.00 postage

Records of Changes in Color Among Fishes COLOR


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Records of Changes in Color Among Fishes. A VERY RARE old book in good condition though the dust jacket is a little worn ( as illustrated) 

More information shortly

Our Price £12 plus £4.90 postage

Fishes of the World by Allan Cooper  HAMFISH


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Fishes of the World by Allan Cooper 

(1974.) 160pp.  Cove Illustration varies as the copy we offer  is a later edition

Our Price £3.99 including U.K.Postage

Ocean Life OCE 11


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Ocean Life One of the best illustrated books we have seen. Superb photographs. Steve Parker, Paragon Books. ISBN 1 85813851 5. 1994

NEWLY ARRIVED  £8 plus £3 postage

 Lampreys of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lamprey species known to date




Lampreys of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lamprey species known to date
By: Renaud, C. B.
FAO Species Catalogue for Fisheries Purposes No. 5
Rome, 2011, 116 pp., A4, PB
This catalogue provides an account for each of the 39 species. Each species account gives information on the taxonomy including synonyms, common names, diagnostic features of ammocoetes and adults, habitat and biology, geographic distribution, interest to fisheries and references.

£30 post paid in UK


FAO Species Catalogue. Pearl Perches McKay, R.J. Pearl Perches of the World (Family Glaucosomatidae) PearlPerches

FAO Species Catalogue. Pearl Perches McKay, R.J. Pearl Perches of the World (Family Glaucosomatidae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Pearl Perches Known to Date 
This volume covers all four species currently recognized in the family Glaucosomatidae (pearl perches). It includes a glossary of technical terms, general remarks on the family, an illustrated key to species, detailed accounts of species, and a table of species by major fishing areas. Species accounts include illustrations, scientific and vernacular names, references to scientific names, information on habitat, biology and fisheries, and a distribution map. The work is fully indexed and a reference to pertinent literature is appended. FAO Species Catalogue Vol.17. Original edition in book
Price: 25.99plus £5 postage

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An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Cods, Hakes, Grenadiers and Other Gadiform Fishes Known to Date.    FAO 8

An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Cods, Hakes, Grenadiers and Other Gadiform Fishes Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251028907 FAO Species Catalogue Vol.10. 1990. 30cm. Pp.x,442. 828 figures & maps , keys Hardbound. Provides a convenient means for the identification of gadiform species most likely to be encountered by fisheries workers,  and to illustrate the wide diversity of this group of fishes.
  Price: £51.00 
Nemipterid Fishes of the WorldFAO 3

Nemipterid Fishes of the World (Threadfin Breams, Whiptail Breams, Monocle Breams, Dwarf Monocle Breams and Coral Breams). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Nemipterid Species Known to Date 
ISBN 9251030316 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.12. 1990. 30cm. Pp.154. Bound. 
Price: £17.99  


Sharks of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Vol. 2. Bullhead, Mackerel and Carpet Sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes).   


Sharks of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Vol. 2. Bullhead, Mackerel and Carpet Sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). 
ISBN 9251045437 
FAO. 2001. 30cm. Pp.viii,269. 163 figures, many maps, tables. Softbound with jacket. This volume reviews all 15 families, 25 genera and 57 species of living bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (orders Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes - the non-carcharhinoid galeomorph sharks), including certain well-established but currently undescribed species mainly from Australia.  Vols. 1 and 3, are due during 2005. 
Price: £19.00  (only includes UK postage)
Threadfins of the World. Nemipteridae.Motomura,H. Threadfins of the World (Family Polynemidae). £26.99 or £11.99 or £4.99

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Threadfins of the World. Nemipteridae.Motomura,H. Threadfins of the World (Family Polynemidae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Polynemid Species Known to Date. 
FAO. 2004. 29cm. Pp.138. Text figures & maps. Softbound. This volume on the family Polynemidae includes 41 species belonging to 8 genera. There is an introductory section with general remarks on habitat and fisheries of the family, a glossary of technical terms, an illustrated key to each genus and all species, and a detailed account for all species. Species accounts include an illustration of each species, scientific and vernacular names, and information on habitat, biology, fisheries, size, relevant literature and distribution. Following the species accounts are a list of nominal species in the family, a table of species by major marine fishing areas and colour plates. A list of all nominal species and their present allocations is given. The work is fully indexed and there is a comprehensive list of references to pertinent literature. 
Price: 17.99 
FAO Field Guide to the Merlucciidae of the World  MERLUZ

FAO Field Guide to the Merlucciidae of the World


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Groupers of the World (Family Serranide, Subfamily Epinephelinae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Grouper, Rockcod, Hind, Coral Grouper and Lyretail Species Known to Date   FAO 16

  Groupers of the World (Family Serranide, Subfamily Epinephelinae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Grouper, Rockcod, Hind, Coral Grouper and Lyretail Species Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251031258 

FAO Species Catalogue Vol.16. Original edition in book or CD format. Contains the 159 species in 15 genera known from the serranid subfamily Epinephelinae, including one species new to science. There is an introductory section with general remarks on habitat and fisheries of the family, a glossary of technical terms, an illustrated key to each genus and all species, and a detailed account for all species. Species accounts include an illustration of each species, scientific and vernacular names, and information on habitat, biology, fisheries, size, relevant literature, and distribution. Following the species accounts are a list of nominal species in the subfamily, a table of species by major marine fishing areas, and colour plates. A list of all nominal species and their present allocations is given. The work is fully indexed and there is a comprehensive list of references to pertinent literature.  
Price: £15.99 
Emperor Fishes and Large-Eye Breams of the World   FAO 2

  Emperor Fishes and Large-Eye Breams of the World (family Lethrinidae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Lethrinid Species Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251028893 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.9. 1989. 30cm. Pp.125. Paperback. 
Price: £15.99 
Scombrids of the World  FAO 4

  Scombrids of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Tunas, Mackerels, Bonitos, and Related Species Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251013810 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.2. 1983. 30cm. Pp.144. Paperback. 
Price: £19.99 

The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volumes  3 ,4 5 and 6 on one CD ROM ( see below for individual volumes )  

Billfishes of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Marlins, Sailfishes, Spearfishes and Swordfishes Known to Date   FAO 11

  Billfishes of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Marlins, Sailfishes, Spearfishes and Swordfishes Known to Date 
ISBN 9251022321 
FAO. 1985. 30cm. Pp.iv,42. 24 figs & maps, 19 tables. Paperback. 
 Nakamura,I   Billfishes of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Marlins, Sailfishes, Spearfishes and Swordfishes Known to Date 
 Includes the two families and all 12 species of billfishes known to date. It provides a comprehensive and illustrated key to families and species, with a glossary of technical terms and measurements. Within each family are given individual accounts of species which include drawings, scientific and vernacular names, information on habitat, biology and fisheries, and a distribution map. The section including family and species accounts is followed by a table indicating the distribution of each species by major marine fishing areas. The work is fully indexed and there is ample reference to pertinent literature. 


Clupeoid Fishes of the World Part 2. Engraulididae   FAO 1

  Clupeoid Fishes of the World Part 2. Engraulididae (Suborder Clupeoidei). Engraulidae. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Herrings, Sardines, Pilchards, Sprats, Shads, Anchovies and Wolf-Herrings. 
ISBN 925102667X 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.7, Part 2, 1993 . 30cm. Pp.282. Bound. 
Price: £ 34.99
Clupeoid Fishes of the World Part 1. Chirocentridae,Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae  CLUPI1

  Clupeoid Fishes of the World Part 1. Chirocentridae,Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.7, Part 1, 1993 . 30cm. Pp.282. Bound. 

Out of Print and Very Rare. This copy signed by Peter Whitehead
Price: £ 54.99

Fusilier Fishes of the World. 76pp.Caesionidae. CAES

  Fusilier Fishes of the World. 76pp.Caesionidae.

FAO Species Catalogue Vol.8

Price £11.50  inc post

Snake Mackerels and Cutlassfishes of the World. Families Gempylidae and Trichiuridae GEMP

  Snake Mackerels and Cutlassfishes of the World. Families Gempylidae and Trichiuridae

FAO Species Catalogue Vol.15

Price £11.50 inc p[opst

Sillaginid Fishes of the World (Family Sillaginidae). FAO 5

  Sillaginid Fishes of the World (Family Sillaginidae). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Sillago, Smelt or Indo-Pacific Whiting Species Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251031231 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.14. 1993. 30cm. Pp.93. Softbound. 
Price: £9.99 


Snappers of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue  FAO 6

  Snappers of the World. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Lutjanid Species Known to Date. 
ISBN 9251023212 

FAO Species Catalogue Vol.6. 1985. 30cm. Pp.214. Paperback. 
Price: £27.99 
Cephalopods of the World £15.99 or £4.99


  Cephalopods of the World


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Ophidiiform Fishes of the World (Order Ophidiiformes). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Pearlfishes, Cusk-Eels, Brotulas and Other Ophidiiform Fishes Known to Date. ISBN 9251043752  FAO 18

  Ophidiiform Fishes of the World (Order Ophidiiformes). An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Pearlfishes, Cusk-Eels, Brotulas and Other Ophidiiform Fishes Known to Date. ISBN 9251043752 
FAO Species Catalogue Vol.18. 1999. 30cm. Pp.xi,178. 136 figures, keys. Soft bound. This volume covers all 93 genera currently recognized in the order Ophidiiformes (pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas and allies). It includes a glossary of technical terms, general remarks on the order, identification keys from the suborder to the species level, detailed genera accounts.

Price: £17.49 
The Fresh and Saltwater Fishes of the World FRESHSALT


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The Fresh and Saltwater Fishes of the World



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