Details of all of our own titles, fish posters and publications can be found on 

Calypso's Own Publications


A little bit of our history..... The Calypso Fish Bookshop is Calypso Publications' specialist Ichthyological and Aquatic Bookshop. In addition to our own published titles, we now also supply aquatic literature from all authors and other aquatic publishing houses worldwide. We also supply FAO titles and posters.
Calypso was established in 1978 . Over 100 of our own book titles , popular, area-based Illustrated Field Guides and handbooks together with several unclassifiable but interestingly FISHY TITLES , disks and CD's and DVD's are currently in print and production. 
(In formulating and establishing the Calypso Ichthyological DATABASE and PHOTOLIBRARY in 1994 we became one of the world's leading ichthyological taxonomic data processors. The Calypso database is now used as a standard tool throughout the world.)

In 2003 Calypso transferred many of its own technical titles to online and CD availability and is slowly phasing out their supply as textbooks. This allows immediate download of many technical titles and data and with CD's easier processing of data. Paper versions will still be available to special order at the original published price, The main customer benefit is a price reduction on these affected titles of between 50 and 175 percent.
Calypso is both self-financing and totally independent and actively supports several other prestigious aquatic-based organizations.

Fish books on Fishes and fish catching, The fish books center, Aquarium Books, Seashore Fish books, Fish World books, Aquatics, Bookstore for fish non-fiction books, saltwater fish and freshwater fish, Wall charts and posters of fishes


A complete  .pdf catalogue of Calypso's current titles in all formats is available from the link below: You will need Adobe Acrobat reader to view this list which is available as a free download from the Adobe link here. If you have not yet got this programme click on the icon below:

then click this link:


Keywords for this page: Calypso, catalogue, publications,


 Calypso Publications  Registered at London 2225933 1978  established in 1978 as the publishing arm of Calypso

Website design and production by Gerald Jennings.  Copyright ©  The Calypso Organization 2014