The Aquarist and Pondkeeper magasine.
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Salt Water Aquarium magazine by RPL Straughan. A few editions from the late sixties and early seventies All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. PetFish monthly (later Practical Fishkeeping) All issues from Issue 1 Volume 1 April 1966 to 1969 and many other additional non-sequential months All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. Tropical Fish Hobbyist (TFH) All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. BMAA's MARINEWS All US $ 1.00 per issue plus postage from the UK to you. Please ask for whichever issue or issues you require. The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1969-1971 5 Volumes available. Very large and heavy Price upon application |